It astonishes me that even Republicans can’t see the tree in front of them much less the forest.
Dealing with Trans people isn’t about bathrooms or whether or not we are allowed to fight for the country. It’s about a segment of our young people that may never live to see adulthood. The suicide rates for Trans kids are insane, and while the “normal” people wring their hands and try to decide what we are, kids are disappearing. It blows my mind when teachers or people in general are mystified by suicide. “Oh there had to be another option.” Really? Really? Have you never been so utterly alone and so completely devoid of hope that you just wanted the pain to stop? Well lucky you. I’ve been there and I can tell you right now that in the absence of hope suicide is not as frightening as you believe it to be.
But keep arguing about the bathrooms and whether or not you will allow Trans people to take a bullet for you. Your priorities are clearly in order. Here is the bad news Republicans……some of these kids are going to be yours.