I have been in school for more that 50 years.  Either as a student our student and I have to say a lifetime of school holidays has been a blast.  While working with students with special needs is hard work there is no griping about the holidays, and I have had the same ones since 1966!  But President’s Day has been ruined for me.  It was hard last year, but even after a year I am struggling with celebrating any day dedicated to this morally and ethically bankrupt lunatic we have in office now.

But I am not giving up my holiday…..oh no….the only people more anxious for the holiday than your kids are their teachers.  Nope, I won’t surrender the day but instead I will celebrate the day for the only president close to as obnoxious as this character we are stuck with.  I will celebrate the day with John Adams in mind (mostly because anyone Abigail would marry MUST have SOMETHING good about him).

My Vice President