Nothing steams me like “the haves” telling the rest of us that we are all in the same boat.  First and foremost I CAN”T IMAGINE BEING ABLE TO AFFORD A BOAT!  If you are going to pick a metaphor at least pick one that doesn’t immediately tell me you are absolutely out of touch with the world of the common people.

How about this…”we are all pushing the same grocery cart!” (although of course you don’t shop for yourself) or “we all have to hit the 3-2 pitch that’s close to the strike zone.”  (despite the fact you wouldn’t dream of being involved in a game with that many brown people)

But a boat?  Really?

Stop Saying That!

I don’t mind that I will never be rich.  I mind that those that are rich don’t think enough of public school teachers or the public to even let their children be exposed to us.  All I want to do is live long enough to be able to vote for a politician that actual believes in public schools enough to send a family member there.

I think one of the primary reasons I play in tennis leagues with a public facility is for the weekend games.  Driving into the realm of the rich my car gets stopped, they check my plate, they check my license, and want to know where I am going.  Then I drive into their little isolated community and proceed to kick the crap out of them.  It brings me some kind of perverse pleasure to beat people who are wearing clothes so nice I would have to take out long-term loan to buy them.

The Commute