As a teacher and one who has the opportunity to work with a very large number of textbooks I hope the next generation of textbooks gives due credit to the National Rifle Association for their impact on our country.

The fear in schools, the graves in dozens of towns, the “(name a city) Strong” t-shirt boom, and the lessons they have taught students about not assuming they will ever see adulthood.  The NRA has armed the people that have taken our trust from us.  The NRA has armed the people that have removed the sense of safety from childhood.

This is the National Rifle Association’s time.  It is their America now.  Their agenda of fanaticism and profit over humanity is the theme of this age.  I hope the textbooks credit them for it.

Making America Strong

I’m of the opinion that no single issue shows the indifference of our politicians to all Americans like gun control.  They not only prefer the money from the National Rifle Association to our safety but they have essentially allowed our children to be hunted in their schools.  They stand and watch as American youth die, and they have done everything but issue hunting licenses to the killers.

I think our shame comes in waves.  The periods of time in which our shameful behavior will make future generations think we had no souls.  From slavery, to the movement west, to the internment camps, to our current powerlessness against the NRA.  We have periods in our history where we simply chose not to value life.  At the moment our leaders prioritize power and position over the lives of children, and worse than that we don’t stop them.  We are hip deep in a seriously embarrassing time for this country.

The NRA Gift

Not sure that there are any words much more annoying than “guns don’t kill people people do.”  While I am sure it makes sense in a hunting blind or chasing baby deer it doesn’t hold up in the real world.

I am quite convinced the people that shoot people would be less dangerous without a firearm.  Even as old as I am I would be far less intimidated by a man coming at me with an umbrella.  Sometimes it makes me sad that the English Language that gave us Shakespeare can be perverted into phrases like this.  It’s discouraging.

World Class