I am not an intolerant person.  And I am aware from the constantly harping Trump people that they think he can do no wrong.

But hate crimes are up almost 20% this year, and everyone that is any color other than white is living in a country they don’t feel as safe in.  We hate each other more and trust each other less.  We build walls to stop people from coming here, but don’t want to spend money to feed and support the citizens that are “supposed” to be here.

My thinking is the people that voted for this guy are the same ones that didn’t expect the coffee to be hot and burn them. ….and rather than conceding they have the brain of a turnip they are going to drive the car (with third degree burns) over the cliff.

Isn’t It Obvious?

I thought this would be easier the second time around.  But it isn’t.  Donald is still the only politician in 57 years that made me want to “pass” on a paid Federal holiday.

I am going to celebrate someone else.  Perhaps a president that was almost as abrasive and arrogant.  I am going to celebrate John Adams because even as obnoxious as he was he had the good sense to marry above his class.  Being married to Abigail nets him serious points in my book as she was not only one of my first tattoos, but also the reason my middle name is Abigail.


President’s Day

It is an awful name for a game.  Some 50 years after playing it though it still is lodged firmly in the brain…along with “kick the can” and “capture the flag.”  Wow.  We were pretty militaristic in our games.

I can’t help but wonder if the game of “Smear the Queer” is still around or if it is now being used for the bullying of LGBTQ students in the hallways on the way to their next class?  Since in the New and Greater America bullies are expected to be open and honest about their hatreds it would seem a perfect fit.

“Smear the Queer”