Of course the bright side is we are ornamental and there is a fair chance we can be mentioned in a tweet!


Of course the upside is that The Trump has made the office of the president seem attainable.  I have dozens of high school students that are far better on twitter, and  in the end that seems the new measure.

Random Governing

There are some presidency’s that remove all hope in your government and this is the second one in my lifetime.  With Nixon and now Trump  the logical alternative seems to be to stay home, make your own gin, and wait for better days.

Now I Get It

I have been in school for more that 50 years.  Either as a student our student and I have to say a lifetime of school holidays has been a blast.  While working with students with special needs is hard work there is no griping about the holidays, and I have had the same ones since 1966!  But President’s Day has been ruined for me.  It was hard last year, but even after a year I am struggling with celebrating any day dedicated to this morally and ethically bankrupt lunatic we have in office now.

But I am not giving up my holiday…..oh no….the only people more anxious for the holiday than your kids are their teachers.  Nope, I won’t surrender the day but instead I will celebrate the day for the only president close to as obnoxious as this character we are stuck with.  I will celebrate the day with John Adams in mind (mostly because anyone Abigail would marry MUST have SOMETHING good about him).

My Vice President

Just for the day.  Just for a few hours I am going to pretend that the country makes sense, and that there is some sense of hope that things will get better.  I will go back to our reality after the holiday.

For at least one day I am going to pretend 49% of the country doesn’t hate me or that at the very least I make their skin crawl.

Like There Isn’t One

I take no pleasure in this art.  It’s just the frustration of having lived so long I have seen the country at it’s very best.  It would almost be better to have no idea what this country can be like.  What heights it has reached.  But knowing too much makes it impossible to not imagine that we are all killing our country by being passive onlookers as this administration puts us all out of our misery.

Our strength is finally our undoing.  As my Pa always said, “the greatest thing about this country is that any fu@#$)! idiot can be president.”  Apparently no truer words were ever spoken.

Death of Liberty

Having been born in the 60s and living through the cold war it makes me nervous when leaders make their people parade for them.  It may seem like a little thing, but it sends a message that makes my skin crawl.  It is a tad difficult to hear the Prez make fun of a North Korean dictator while it is all to clear that being one has become his obsession.

The symbols can all be interchanged, and the color of the flags varies, but the essentials remain the same.  A man with a hunger for ever increasing power accompanied by an inner circle of “yes men” none of whom care about the people of the country.  It’s so derivative and cliché that it would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.

A Parade