At some point whether pleasant or not I need to stop blaming the leaders for being idiots, and focus on us for following them.

Someone famous once said “you get the government you deserve” and it appears that is true.

Maybe the shock isn’t that we don’t care much about our neighbors.  Maybe we never did, and it took a president that made hate fashionable to make it clear to us that we never truly cared about each other.

Entirely My Fault

It is an odd thing to have been inside the huddle with them, and then being outside of it.  But I don’t miss it.  The benefits of being male and having more power, a voice that is heard, and status that is by default and not earned do not compare to being able to see a larger picture.

I enjoy a world not constrained by a huddle.

Outside the Huddle

What makes me curious is what do the knives and forks know that we don’t?  Or is it not that,  Is it that when you are willing to do anything to keep power that in itself is an edge.

They do seem to be built for doing harm, and if you combine that with a willingness to do harm it does seem a recipe for long term power.  I have been around a long time (and been a knife and a spoon) and as I go along it gets harder and harder to believe the spoons will ever be cruel enough to rule.

Knives and Forks