Seems like I am making fun of myself but I am not really.

I am never bored and practically everything is fascinating.  There are worse ways to live your life.

So Easy

I am beginning to believe the secret is to not expect the duration of happiness to be extensive.

I have gotten better about cherishing happiness even if it is fleeting.  For the longest time I tied real happiness to it’s duration but I no longer do.

When it is at hand it is mine.  When it is gone it is remembered and cherished.  The next moment is not guaranteed or expected so it is also beyond value for as long as I have it.

I Can Fly

One of the truisms about Doodle is that simplicity is more likely to make you happy than complexity.

Every time I reach for more than I need, or dream of being something other than what I am, I neglect the happiness available to me now.

My best memories are of when I appreciated things all around me.  I need to get batter at it.

Entertainment is Everywhere

I have nothing to add to this.

Seriously……I would be a great cloud.


I am glad I have gotten past the envy of everyone that is “normal.”

It is no longer something I aspire to be.  I like that in my road being different I have been able to see aspects of myself, gender, and life that most people never get to see.

Marvelous trip.  Just love the journey.

Different Race