I am trying not to read too much into this election…….but it does seem important.

It may not confirm or disprove their is a God.  But it will be a good indicator of how involved he is with the human race.

I Need a Sign Please

I don’t really believe in coincidence.  Perhaps God is an LGBTQ ally and he occasionally tells people to shut their mouths.

A Sign

Talk about your dream job.

I wouldn’t even cut him off when he ran out of time.

God’s Therapist

I’d like a closer relationship with God, but I think I am probably too odd for us to be close.

Sing with God

It isn’t funny really but I get a serious chuckle from states that hate a large percentage of their citizens but love God.  There are few things better than religious irony.

You can’t feed your people, educate your kids, or get past a war you lost in 1865, but you have time to hate gays and people of color.

I don’t think you are idiots because you lose all your battles……I think you are idiots because YOU PICK ALL THE WRONG BATTLES!

Arkansas Pancakes

Well.  One thing is clear about my art.  It is not difficult to see when I have had a problem with the church or one of it’s minions.

Early Review of the Church

I don’t think it matters who or what you worship.  I imagine them all meeting in a cafe somewhere and lamenting what a waste of time we are.  It has to be frustrating as heck to be a higher being and be given the responsibility of herding the cats that are the human race.

Across the board these fellas lived good lives, made the right decisions, and lived with kindness.  So their retirement package is running a global day care for morons, fanatics, and idiots?

They Must Be Disappointed

I do like to think about Jesus in high school.

What an asset.  Imagine a team manager than can heal concussions between plays.



Not sure how many doodles I would have been able to do over the last couple years without the fabulous Christians.  Odd to be in debt to hypocrites and haters, but there is no arguing with the material they give me.

As a person that has been “asked” to leave a church because “the congregation wasn’t ready” for a person like me I can tell you the church is not what it could be.  What it should be.  I miss church.  I know that the old expression is that “I wouldn’t want to be a member of a club that would have me”…but I desperately want to be religious.  They just don’t want me.  But again, it’s good for my art.

In the Details