I do enjoy an empty church.  It is when the worshipers come into the building that everything goes to crap.  If I could keep Christians from coming between me and the cross I’d be very happy.

I have heard from people that some of my doodles seem to be anti-God and I don’t think that is true at all.  I believe in God and have the expectation that there simply HAS TO BE something greater than me and Doodle.  I believe in God but I think his management skills need work.  His employees devotees are just awful and the potential of the church is just being wasted.

Nice Scenery

This is where religion gets weird for me.  Only the Christians could turn a forgiving and kind historical figure into a vindictive and judgmental doctrine.

If it wasn’t so awful it’d be hysterical.

It strikes me as odd that the biggest deterrent to God being an intricate part of more lives is the behavior of Christians.


Republican Version

I am not really convinced that God is gay.  I had too many years of indoctrination to go there, but it would explain a lot about the bible.

If you have a bunch of men that are ghost writing your “truths” you might as well throw in some self hatred and rhetoric that is sure to rile up the readers.  It’s a sure fire recipe for being on the best sellers list for several centuries.

Self Hatred?

Despite what my doodles would lead you to believe I am not anti-religion.  Actually it is more a matter of me hating to see wasted potential.  In regards to “potential” no organization has failed to live up to it like the church.  Which is a shame as in the worst of times the first place I sought out was the church, and in every single instance the church did not fail to let me down.

In the final measure at the end of time I wonder if religion will have done more harm or good…..actually that is not true I have no doubt at all that the institution has done far more harm than good.

The Shadow

I truly cannot explain this one.  How in the world do you get to a place in your mind where you are contemplating the advantages of having Jesus on your swim team?

Most my little doodles I get.  This one is weird enough to make me scratch my head (although come on!!! who could beat him???)

Holy Swim Team

Probably unfair…but I have been asked to leave enough churches to have earned the right to not care if its fair.  I find nothing on the planet fails to live up to it’s potential more so than the churches.

It wouldn’t bother me as much if I didn’t WANT to be religious but I do.  Perhaps it is just the abuse that keeps me coming back.  If you believe in a harsh and cruel higher power you would have to assume his servants would be cruel, judgmental, and short-sighted.  In an odd way it really does make perfect sense.  The religious right almost confirms there is a God, although not one that offers any hope.

You have to admire the consistency…..

Church Outreach