I enjoy any idea that shows all of us are wrong and all of us are right.  Its reassuring to me somehow.


Sometimes Everyones Right

I was sure the country had a left lean to it until the last election.  At that point I was shocked to learn that the white half voted in a way that suggested they believed they should own the other half of the country.  I miss our momentum to the left.  the last election and the white anger may be a more accurate reflection of what we are now, but I liked the illusion of us being something better.

Move Left

If nothing else Trump’s America saves me money.  It is painfully obvious which states I am safe to go to and which I am not.  No sense in going to a state in which I can’t risk using a bathroom….

I didn’t have any desire to see a Tar Heel game anyway, I’ve already gotten Indiana out of the way before they started hating everyone, and there is no pull to see any part of the country that admits “old times there are not forgotten.”

Travel Made Easy

I don’t think I was truly scared during the election until The Trump didn’t bother to separate himself from the support he was getting from the Klan and the Nazis.  At that point even if you were as slow as I was it becomes quite obvious that the man has no soul….merely an empty space he leases out to anyone willing to follow him.

The doodles about the election lost a LOT of their pleasure for me at that point.  My sketches went from “how funny is this idiot” to “OMG  I AM SCARED TO DEATH!!”

No Such Thing as a Bad Vote?

I can’t take anyone seriously that is against gay marriage but doesn’t know any gay couples.  Its a little like getting a description of music from a person thats tone deaf.  Certainly everyone has a right to an opinion…even an idiot…but I don’t have to give it any credibility.

I have friends (yes two men) that are married and are such a fabulous couple they literally changed the opinion of an old conservative Republican about same sex marriage in an afternoon.  It was a beautiful thing.  If you don’t know any gay couples and are dismissing it out of hand then you really need to shush.

Brave Enough