Mom said the best way to judge people was not by what they said, but by the company they keep.

It turns out mom was right far more often than I thought she was.  Who knew she could foresee Trump’s Campaign in 1964?

If Your Supporters Wear Sheets

For all the faults and problems in our democratic system that I have seen throughout my life I have never been here.  There has always been issues or concerns that I have had, but at no point have I felt like it could not be saved.

But what Trump seems to suggest is that we are no longer even pretending people need to be qualified for the office.  From this point on the people we vote for will be entirely linked to our hatreds, bias’, and our self interest.  We have dispensed with even the illusion of trying to be better than we are.

Reflection of Democracy

Is it odd that being governed by these men is more awful than their political campaign ads suggested they would be?  I find that so hard to believe.

They Are Here

When I do a Doodle that reminds me of “Rosemary’s Baby” it just freaks the heck out of me.

And I never notice it until I post it.

As with that awful film that haunts me decades later whenever I see something referring to this

president I will always think of the occult.

Only Explanation

The things people choose to be proud of boggles the mind.

What is a tad bit more tragic to me is that all these screaming far right fascists have never met anyone gay in their entire lives that they cared about.  No family member that was gay?  No college classmate (even at the bible college)?  I cannot fathom how that is possible.

Conservative Monument

I don’t have any problem with people that hate.  It is an aspect of life I am used to.  There are going to be people that hate you.  But the segment of the population I never understood was the hypocrites.  If you want to make your battle cry “family values” than live that way.  My bias’ are clear and they align with my life and I don’t understand why others don’t play by the same rules.  You can’t say you are pro-family and treat women as poorly as you do.  You can’t say you are pro-family and let parents in Florida and all the other states bury their children because you want unrestricted access to guns.  You can’t claim to be the Party of Lincoln and repeatedly act like you hate all colors of people that aren’t white.  You don’t scare me because you hate me.  You scare me because you are random and unpredictable.

Glass Houses

The uniquely honest part of having “The Donald” as the president is that it tears down whatever remained of the illusion that anyone can rise to the position despite humble beginnings.  It’s long overdue really that kids give up that thought.

We believed it was true that anyone could be president in the 60’s and I doubt it was true then, but it certainly isn’t now.  However it’s been replaced by another phrase that is absolutely true and that is “anyone with money can buy the presidency.”  It lacks some of the hopefulness of the original saying, but it is honest and that is worth something.

Trump Rope

I remember back when the news was still depressing but at least truthful.

Never That Hungry