Good lord this makes me so sad……
What a ridiculous creature.
Maybe the only thing on the planet worse than cruel people are cruel people with power. Few oh us have gone through life without facing bullies, but bullies have a limited scope of power (although it doesn’t feel that way to a 16 year old) whereas a bully with power is inescapable.
The papers remind you, the news remind you, and seemingly everywhere you go you are reminded that you are “less than” all those that look like the bully.
I have hung on to the hope that the garden would recover when he leaves office. But at this point I am wondering if it is too late for the garden. We have given too much power to a cruel gardener for too long.
I have been proved wrong time and time again, but I keep believing that eventually the other party will have to eventually lean on something other than hate. I just can’t imagine this can work forever. Hating on gays to please your base. Hating on Latinos to please your base. Categorizing an entire race of people as thugs and criminals to please your base.
I just can’t see that working forever. However it has worked as long as I have been alive (1960) so I may be wrong.
It is intriguing that as I go along I learn over and over again that I need to appreciate what I have.
He wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he didn’t attack women or hate people of color. He wasn’t self obsessed, and at least he had a desire to make the country a better place. At the time my ex didn’t even seem date worthy, but at this point he looks like Prince Charming.
I feel more than a little guilt about how I treated him.
Honestly some of these doodles aren’t even close to true. I don’t think conservative Republican Born Agains are stupid. If that were the case they’d have no power and the world would be an entirely better place.
It is more accurate to say their intellect and ability to gather power is enhanced by their ability to turn off fundamental aspects of being human. When you are not bogged down in compassion, a social conscience, empathy, kindness, ethics, or responsibility to the planet it does free you up a bit.
Not looking forward to the upcoming mid-terms. All of the “gay issues” popping up to mobilize the grassroots folks for the “Party of Lincoln.” It is tremendously annoying that they spend the vast majority of time between elections wanting us to go away, but when it is time to vote we are like the party dinner bell.
Have you ever noticed that it is impossible to type “The Party of Lincoln” without giggling? It is historic irony that would be hysterical if it wasn’t so tragic for so many of us. It would be the same thing if a modern group of terrorists chose Mother Teressa as the symbol of their organization.