It bothers me less that the gun people don’t care than it does that we don’t. It’s a given that gun owners do not place any value on life, but our lack of action horrific.
Oddly until recently I thought being under a desk in 1968 practicing a nuclear attack was a terrible thing to remember about their youth. But being a teacher in a classroom now with young people makes me realize that was nothing. These kids can’t even feel safe in their own schools EVER. Everyday it seems there is new evidence that we simply do not care enough about them to keep them safe. Our school district over the last few months has been trying to create support for TG students and that was met by unbelievable degrees of anger, but the fact that gunman are walking into schools all over the country seems to only hold our interest for a few hours.
Our national idea of priorities is just beyond understanding. A TG teacher or student walking into a bathroom is a threat to our national values, but an angry gunman walking into a bathroom is only relevant for one news cycle.