Ok it may not be the best explanation but it makes sense to me. It is also preferable to coming to grips with the nature of Americans.
With our standards of behavior falling as fast as they are. With women being fair game for men, lies and cruelty being back in vogue, and Supreme Court seats becoming a party favor for good old boys there is an upside.
An American that is even moderately moral has a shot at being on a monument! Yay for crashing standards!
It is not that I am not aware there are gay Republicans.
It is just when I try to picture them in my head they all look like Lincoln. It is really both historically and esthetically delightful!
Are we angry because we elected this man to represent our country or that the he does represent our country? If it’s scary that he is in the office that is nothing compared to the terror that ensues if we come to grips with the idea that he should be. That his greed and complete moral bankruptcy is a true reflection of us as a country is what terrifies me.
It’s a twist on the nutritional truth that “you are what you eat”…..in this case it’s “you are what you elect.”
It bothers me less that the gun people don’t care than it does that we don’t. It’s a given that gun owners do not place any value on life, but our lack of action horrific.
Oddly until recently I thought being under a desk in 1968 practicing a nuclear attack was a terrible thing to remember about their youth. But being a teacher in a classroom now with young people makes me realize that was nothing. These kids can’t even feel safe in their own schools EVER. Everyday it seems there is new evidence that we simply do not care enough about them to keep them safe. Our school district over the last few months has been trying to create support for TG students and that was met by unbelievable degrees of anger, but the fact that gunman are walking into schools all over the country seems to only hold our interest for a few hours.
Our national idea of priorities is just beyond understanding. A TG teacher or student walking into a bathroom is a threat to our national values, but an angry gunman walking into a bathroom is only relevant for one news cycle.
I may be able to forget Donald. I may even eventually forgive Americans for his election.
But that logo of Making America Great Again” is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. Not because of what it said really, but because of the vile things it allowed the haters in our country to say. Hate speech actually endorsed by an administration in the United States of America.
Some days I think I have lived too long.
I never truly understood the expression “the inmates are running the asylum” until this presidency.
I am not sure if it is good or bad that theirs is too…..
The saddest part of this doodle isn’t that we have lost our vision of what we can be, but unlike this sketch we aren’t even trying to find it.