I am long past caring about the pace. Just any positive shift is fine.
Ok perhaps we need to put our cell phones down to tap into this……
I feel blessed that I am not a teenager now. I don’t care about the advantages of technology, the hundreds of stations on tv, or the fact that apparently anyone can be famous. The loss of imagination as a trade for technology frightens me. It also concerns me that the kids we let out of our school in thirty days will very likely not be outside of the house for any extended period of time for the next two months.
I am almost less offended by the inaccuracy of the news today than I am the amount of it.
The old expression was “if you have nothing nice to say then be quiet,” but now it feels like it should be “unless you have something true to say then be quiet.” Think of the crickets we could hear.
I like the idea of things or people I care about being constellations. There is something about the immortality of the stars that is appealing to me. Although most the people and things I love are too whacky to have a traditional constellation.
I like that Doodle and I have glasses. Glasses are a visible sign to everyone that “I am flawed!” There is a stark honesty to glasses that I like. Heck wearing big lenses you aren’t even able to pretend you are perfect. Glasses are like an outward confession that you have characteristics that are not quite up to standard. I like that.
Nothing is worse than being surprised by how awful someone is. Expecting the best is a sure fire way to get burnt over an over again, but I believe it to be the only way to live happily.
I’d rather live as an optimist that is hopelessly naive and get shocked by cruelty then live as a realist and be shocked by acts of kindness.
Still I would not be saddened if there was a way to pick them out of a crowd.